Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Alcatraz Island: Struggle for Native Americans from being Assimilated

This article showed that the myth of "melting pot" in America is really just a myth. Native Americans are always forgotten by the society. If the New York Times didn't really report about it, I would have thought that Native tribes are history and does not really exist anymore. In November 20, 1969, a group of Native Americans occupied Alcatraz Island in the Bay Area, showing that there are still Native tribes exist in America and they resisted to be assimilated by the American society created by the immigrants. The situation in the United States is more like mosaic, which is how Canadians use to describe their society. Mosaic deems the cultural differences between the ethnic groups but conflict will arise if is not well dealt.
Article: Occupy Alcatraz: Native American Activism in the Modern Era - The New York Times

Solemn Remembrance of Thanksgiving